
Our top 3 composting tips for beginners

Our top 3 composting tips for beginners

Are you a fan of the idea of composting but haven’t given it a crack yet because it seems waaaay too difficult? Well, we’re about to simplify it with our top 3 composting tips for beginners!


Up to half the waste thrown out by the average household is actually organic material. That’s organic material that could be taking your compost from drab to ✨ fab ✨


Composting is a big win-win for so many reasons. It’s a sustainable way to dispose of your kitchen scraps and garden waste, and your plants will absolutely love you for it. What’s there not to love?!


Tip 1: Know the difference between (and importance of) your greens & browns

Much like life itself, your compost needs balance to be able to thrive. Composts flourish with a balanced “browns mix” and “greens mix”. Confused? Let us explain…


Greens are rich in nitrogen and protein. This can include grass clippings, coffee grounds and kitchen scraps. These nutrients help to heat a compost pile up and support the microorganisms to multiply quickly.


Browns are carbon or carbohydrate-rich materials. This can include leaves, twigs, straw and paper. The main benefit of these in a compost pile is to be a food source for the soil-dwelling organisms that work hard behind the scenes to break down the contents of your compost pile. 


A good ratio of both will allow your compost pile to heat up as necessary - which speeds up the decomposition process! Woohoo!


Tip 2: Turn your compost 

It’s important to regularly turn your compost to optimise any microbial activity. This also helps to speed up the process; exposing any greens or browns that haven’t fully decomposed to heat to help them in the process of breaking down. 


If your compost becomes anaerobic (lacking air), it will become slimey and wet - which is why turning your compost from time to time helps.


Tip 3: Make sure the mixture is damp

Moisture is critical to a good compost! Too much or too little can slow or sour the process, so you need to make sure it is juuuuust right - right enough that even Goldilocks would give her tick of approval!


Ensuring that your compost pile is damp; not soaked and not dry, is the best composting tip there is! Going through a heatwave? Soak it daily! Middle of Winter? Settle for a weekly soaking.


It takes anywhere between 6-12 months to create a mature compost that is ready to use on your garden to feed your plants all the goodness they need to flourish. 


Used these tips on your own compost, or find that your coffee grounds come in handy for your greens mix? We’d love to see! Tag us @podandparcel #PodAndParcel to share.