
How to celebrate World Environment Day this June 5 and beyond

How to celebrate World Environment Day this June 5 and beyond

Here at Pod & Parcel we’re huge advocates for Mother Earth, after all - she did us a big favor in blessing us with this whole coffee sitch. Truthfully, she deserves more than just one day in a year to be celebrated, but we’re totes here cheering her on and supplying you with our fave ways to celebrate World Environment Day… every day!


Let’s celebrate our Earth, she’s worth it!

We’re all about the good stuff here at Pod & Parcel; good wine, good coffee, and (most importantly) a good environment. That’s why we’re ready and roaring wit our top ways to celebrate World Environment Day this June 5th and beyond.


1. Take a road trip… via foot!

Transportation is one of the biggest causes of air pollution - so celebrate World Environment Day by cutting out the middle man (or car), popping your boots on and hitting the pavement. After all, those boots are made for walkin’ * Being out in the fresh air is also super beneficial for your mental health and reduces stress levels, so it’s a win-win for you and for the environment.


2. Get down with the 3 R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle)

Sometimes it’s easy to find ways to incorporate these practices into your everyday life and do your bit in reducing what is taken to landfill, but other times it can be a whole lot harder. Reducing the trash we create, reusing things that would’ve otherwise been thrown out, and recycling things to take on another life after your usage is the best habit to develop this World Environment Day. 


3. Pop that chef’s hat on and get cooking

Get ready for your mind to be blown… the average person wastes about 312kg of food per year. One of our top tips to reduce our impact on what we’re sending to landfill is to clear out your fridge and cook up something with all your nearly-gone veg. From a nice stew to a homemade stock - the world is your oyster. Want more tips for reducing food waste in time for World Environment Day? Check out our blog here.


4. Indulge in guilt-free coffee pods

If you’ve made it to this page, chances are you’re already treating yourself to the finest eco-friendly, specialty-grade coffee pods there is (cheers to you!). The next step you can take is to make sure you’re disposing of them correctly. Need the how-to? Check out our guide here. 


Thirsty for a coffee now?

Reward your Earth-saving efforts with a coffee.